Vision and Mission Statement
We believe all Georgians should have clean air, drink clean water, eat healthy foods and live in a world free from environmental harm. GCV envisions a future where Georgia’s elected leaders are informed and empowered to take action to advance climate and environmental justice.
GCV’s mission is to advocate for public policies that advance a more just and sustainable future, mobilize voters who make climate and environmental justice a priority, and hold elected officials accountable for their actions and votes.
Georgia Conservation Voters fights to protect our air, water, and land through political action. We envision a future where the political landscape has changed to place a high priority on building a sustainable and resilient Georgia, and advancing climate justice. We are nonpartisan, pragmatic and effective.
Our mission is to advocate for public policies that advance a more just and sustainable future, campaign for candidates who will make climate and environmental justice a priority, and hold elected officials accountable for their actions and votes.
The Georgia Conservation Voters (GCV) family of organizations includes the Georgia Conservation Voters Education Fund and the Georgia Conservation Voters Action Fund. The Georgia Conservation Voters Education Fund (GCVEF) mobilizes Georgians to advance climate and environmental justice through education, advocacy, and other forms of civic engagement. Working together, these entities hold Georgia legislators and policy makers accountable for their conservation votes and actions.