Speakout for Clean Water + Coal Ash Cleanup!


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Georgia EPD is hosting its first cap in place public hearing on August 10th at 6pm regarding Georgia Power’s polluting cap in place plans. EPD wants to hear from the public our perspectives and objections to these plans to leave toxic coal ash capped in place polluting our water.

The virtual public hearing on Zoom starts at 6pm with a 15 minute presentation on the coal ash containment plan for Hammond AP-3. Then each member of the public will be given 3 minutes to speak. The public hearing will end after the last comment is provided. If you join late you will be able to speak only if comments are still ongoing.

Join Georgia Coal Ash August 10th to speak out for clean water and full safe cleanup of toxic coal ash across Georgia! We all deserve clean water and to be safe from Georgia Power’s toxic coal ash!

The event is finished.

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